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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Debunking Alodianism: Alodia's Two Cents

Since I am on a crusade to dethrone the "cosplay goddess". I'll just do an entry regarding her Advice to many out there. 

"Cosplay is not always a competition. No need to look down on other cosplayers just because they don't meet your expectations. Just as long as you are having fun, that's what counts.
Of course, I think that dissing fellow cosplayers can greatly affect one's morale whether to try out cosplay for starters or to continue cosplaying for those who have been already doing it. If you truly love the art of cosplay, you should encourage, share your art and hopefully inspire other people with your passion."

Say that to your legion of fan boys who promote the hierarchy in the cosplay scene by giving existence to "professional" cosplayers and the "cosplay goddess". 

"And another thing, would you hate artists who get paid to do what they love doing? That's what is called a dream job. We have illustrators who get commissioned to draw for Marvel, DC, Blizzard, Square Enix, etc. We have theater actors who get paid to perform on stage. Gamers who get paid to compete in Korea just like athletes. Cosplayers are also artists since it combines many aspects - crafts-making, sewing, make-up, performing, etc. And there is nothing wrong about earning with what you love doing."

True, there is nothing wrong with it, but when cosplayers start selling out and start turning into whore-players. (like what you did in Globe commercial and in Animax and also the TV5 thing) That is another story. It loses the art in cosplaying.

"There were tough times - bashing, people not understanding the art, etc - but we still kept going and going. :) Anyhow, just let your passion drive you - whatever it may be - art, cosplay, music, fashion, photography, etc - and everything will follow!"

This is cosplay we are talking about, what does, fashion and photography have to do with it. And somehow, you are the one not understanding the art of cosplay. 

"And of course, be nice! No amount of make-up can hide a wicked heart. And no matter how successful you are, if you are mean to others, things might not work out the way you envisioned it to be. Be a role model to the youth and let your works inspire others. :)
Just my two cents. :)

Being nice is okay. But only to those who deserve it. Being nice to everyone is just plain stupidity. You don't have to be inviting to every fucking retard who says "Oh you are so kawaii!". Didn't they teach you in school not to talk to strangers? How about the saying "Pick your friends wisely?" What a nice role model you are. And speaking of being a role model, you became "cosplay goddess" went showbiz then even let old men use you as a tool for self promotion (Mike). That is retarded and a contradiction to your whole point. Showbiz world is competition. 

Cosplay is not just for fun. Because if that is the case, any shithead out there could wear a wig, have fun and say he's cosplaying. Let me say, that cosplay is for art and you have fun doing that art! Not about dirty old men or about the number of pics that have been taken by the photogs or how good the camera is. I'll just end this entry now. I'm sure many retards won't get this and go flood this entry with HALLELODIA! Stupid tard knights are no different from the druggies. 

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