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Saturday, December 4, 2010

GamerTotoy Soapbox: On Gayops' Resident Zenigata

So, I finally got around to reading that pathetic excuse of a blog by a member of Gayops who's been desperately trying to catch my attention and, as a big fan ("I like [GT's] style, his humor, his courage, and about almost everything"), wanting to hear me defend myself from his accusations that allegedly dropped my credibility "from 100 to ZERO". The disgruntled GT worshiper states, "GamerTotoy writes well that he can almost instantly convince anyone that what he has written is true. Not anymore."

First of all, a die-hard follower such as you should already know that I don't give a damn about what you think. Well, maybe if you had a pretty face and a tight pussy, but I doubt that is the case here. Fortunately for you, there's nothing else to talk about so here's your chance.

Second, what the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, you should start acting your age. As far as I know, everyone in the Gayops crew is of legal age so there is no reason for any of you to pretend you're a detective whose friends are blogging "experts" just because they can interpret visitor activity. I figured out how to do that as soon as I learned about tracking software, and that took like 5 minutes.

Also, you think you can flail your dick around just because you stared down someone you yourself call an "Internet tough guy"? To quote:

"I stared at his eyes while I was having my coffee just outside the Canon hall. He glanced at me for a moment but when he realized that I was staring at him like the real Lelouch Lamperouge, he looked down."

Do you realize how ridiculously childish that sounds? You stared at an effeminate metrosexual while having your coffee and he ignored you, good fucking job. Maybe if, you know, you actually had the balls to confront the man, then you'd have something to brag about. You probably think shaking hands with a girl is equivalent to sex.

"I have secret agents scattered all over Metro Manila so beware! "

Like who? Siopao Master? And I thought IreneCullen was crazy. Go ahead and ask your "agents" to assassinate me or something.

"It won't take a genius to figure it out that Czarina is actually behind everything surrounding Siopao Master and GamerTotoy."

It won't take a genius to figure out that you're wrong. In fact, you must be hopelessly retarded if you still believe this bullshit after I explained everything here. Siopao Master went through due process, just like everyone else. If you're gonna call it bias, then I must be biased towards anyone who convinces me that a candidate is worthy of the Hall of Shame.

As for Siopao Master being innocent, I have presented proof. His victims have testified. Personally, I've seen his stalking skills in action more often than I've seen Erskine's, and that was long before he began wreaking havoc in Otakai.

Only those foolish enough to befriend him would be blinded from the truth. Then again, I can't really blame them. If they weren't so stupid, their blog wouldn't be so deserted after being around for years.

"Siopao Master's pictures I assume were all saved one by one by Czarina herself from Siopao's FB page."

Here's an example of how clueless you really are. I hate to break it out to you, but it was me who saved all the pictures. It was like collecting manna from heaven, only Siopao Master is more dirty bread than heavenly.

"The picture has been renamed to "gayops.jpg". This term has been used by Anonymous cowards to refer to GameOPS."

Who are you calling cowards? You were stuck frozen in your seat when you finally saw your archenemy eye to eye. Anyway, I can assure you that "Gayops" wasn't an invention of Otakai. It's like Foreskine - no one could tell who coined the term, but you think you can hit jackpot out of PinoyCosplay's 5,000+ daily visitors.

"The words BIAS and OBVIOUS are leaking."

How so?

"I have a lot to talk about but I don't want to look like Czarina. Cramping everything on one blog post so I'll leave you readers with these points to ponder:"

What difference does splitting a lengthy diatribe into two make? You think you're a bigger man now? Stop fooling yourself. You know you don't have readers. That's why you gotta spam your shit here hoping to take a slice of the pie.

"Czarina admits that GamerTotoy is her friend. Czarina admits talking to GamerTotoy regularly. It only means that if you want to know the real identity of GamerTotoy, you have Czarina as the key."

You make a very bad detective, drawing conclusions from unconfirmed statements of one person alone. I talk to a lot of people. I have a lot of friends. You can be one of them, if you weren't such a loser.

As for my identity, it's either you know it or you don't. That mystery has been talked about for nearly two years now. You think it matters? You claim you know who I really am. I dare you to show me how big of a man you are and do the right thing. Come to me, punish me for my crimes or whatever; just try your luck, and we'll see how it goes.

"Czarina posted her comment on Oct 31, then GamerTotoy posted the picture on November 3rd. "Real Gentleman's Club" too coincidental?"

This baffles me. Do you live in the Internet? Is cyberspace that important to your personal life? How do you give meaning to similar posting dates and the use of identical jargon on the Internet? Do you believe there is a half-human, half-snake in Robinson's Malls and KFC chicken is genetically modified?

But since you're asking, let me explain. Yes, it was a coincidence. I never talk to anyone about what caption I will put together with the images I post, so I have no idea how we happened to have said the same thing. Must be because Gayops can be so aptly labed as a gentlemen's club.
"GamerTotoy hates CSCNTRAL for selling bootlegs, while he turns a blind eye on his friend Czarina who is notorious for selling bootlegs on conventions. Double standard?"

Piracy is not the only thing bad about CSCENTRL. There is no point in picking on smaller businesses because they're everywhere and I don't see what's so funny about them. It's like attempting to tell your friends not to pee in the pool. You know someone will, so why bother? CSCENTRL is different. If you wanna know why, be a good customer and read the previous articles about him.

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